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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Trump's flirtation with fascism

(Washington Post)
Illustration: Crash Symbols

A List of Several Famous Fascists anagrammed into their descriptions:
1. Benito Mussolini
2. Adolf Hitler
3. Marshal Petain
4. General Francisco Franco Bahamonde
5. Sir Oswald Ernald Mosley
6. President Juan Domingo Peron
7. General Hideki Tojo
8. Engelbert Dollfuss
9. Vidkun Quisling
10. Donald Trump
1. Doomed Italian 'Il Duce' of Salo
2. Austrian German - "Mein Kampf" - Der Fuhrer
3. Old French officer - Vichy
4. Spanish
5. Overlooked dissident British MP
6. Argentine^7. Strong Japanese militant
8. Droll Austrian fellow - still ignored
9. 'Nasjonal Samling'
10. US Republican's a quotable drongo. Assessment: doomed!
(by Julian Lofts)

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