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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Network for Qatar, Russia World Cups will save money, lose ratings

(USA Today)
Dec. 2, 2010 - Zurich, California, Switzerland - FIFA President Joseph Blatter announces the host country of the 2018 Soccer World Cup, Russia, at Messezentrum in Zurich, Switzerland, on 02 December 2010. K66982AM. © Red Carpet Pictures

(You must turn on Java in your web browser to see this Animated Anagrams applet.)

Network for Qatar, Russia World Cups will save the money, lose ratings = Great sport! Very well! Sun in Doha, frost in Moscow equal, like Star Wars!
(by Aronas Pinchas)

(You must turn on Java in your web browser to see this Animated Anagrams applet.)

Network for Qatar, Russia World Cups will save money, lose ratings = Wise question lurks re: "will sandstorm or snow factor ravage play?"
(by Steve Allison)

1 comment :

  1. Who is this Steve Allison guy? =
    Yo, I salute his svelt w. honing!!
    (I know, I missed an "n".)
