Do you remember how Sunset Boulevard ends? Norma Desmond shoots and kills the writer, a fraudster who has fallen under the spell of her charisma, just as he summons the courage to walk away. Her sycophantic butler flips. There are no enablers left to protect her. A final fantasy, a fake movie set, is staged in the mansion’s entryway. The lights go on, and she is lured before the cameras, where the police are waiting to haul her away
Trump dynasty endgame: Shallow stylemeister Ivanka & husband separate themselves from her sentenced treasonous father Donald. He is a wealth poseur & real estate crook. He plays last golf round at Mar-a-Lago. He seethes before police haul his manacled ass away. Robot muse Melania, she returns to NY without Barron to iron her wrinkles. Thwarted featherweight hominids Don Jr. & Eric who chug beer. Ineffectual Tiffany - who’s she?
Anagram: Julian Lofts
Image: Fabrice Florin
Image: Fabrice Florin
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